Institute of Health and Family Welfare

GN-29, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, West Bengal 700091

Teachers' Training (Teachers of Medical Education Services)

Medical Teachers in different Medical College and in different department. Category of Participants are  Professor, Asst. Prof. , Asso. Prof., ADME, HOD etc.

  • Introductory Address
  • Pretest & Group Formatio
  • System Approach
  • Art of Delivering Good Lecture
  • Educational Objectives
  • Educational Objectives : Exercise
  • Curriculum Planning
  • Teaching Learning Concepts
  • Feedback from participants SIO presentation
  • Teaching Learning Method & Teaching Learning Aids
  • Communication Skills
  • Project Formulation
  • Use of Computer in Medicine and Overview of Biostatistics
  • Use of Computer in Medicine and Overview of Biostatistics
  • Evaluation and Exercise
  • Micro Teaching Presentation
  • Research Methodology
  • Clinical Skill Development & Bed Side Manners
  • Medical Audit
  • Medical Records
  • Micro Teaching
  • Micro Teaching Presentation
  • Medical Journalism
  • Role Play
  • Project Presentation
  • Feedback by Participants
  • Bioethics for Medical Educators
  • Post Test & Pienary Session
  • Valedictory