Institute of Health and Family Welfare

GN-29, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, West Bengal 700091

Induction Training (Medical, Administrative & Financial Skill Development)

The Induction Training Programmes of Medical Officers, BMOH’s & AMO’s are comprises on

  • Duties, Rights and Obligation of Govt. Employee, General Office procedure, Office Management, Leadership & Team Building.
  • Financial Rules as per WBSR, Maintenance of Service Book, Preservation & Destruction of Records in Health System.
  • Duties & Responsibilities of DDO, Delegation of Financial Power, Govt. Treasury Rules as relevant to DDO, Income Tax Rules, Medical Reimbursement, Types of Loans, Advance to Govt. Employees, Drawl of Bills, Maintenance of Cash Book, Defalcation, Purchase & Stores Management relevant to BMOH, Travelling Allowance Rules, GPT Rules, GIS Rules, Death Cum-Retirement benefit Rules to Govt. Employees.
  • Financial Responsibilities and Rogi Kalyan Samity.
  • RTI Act, CPA, MTP Act, Human Right issues, Clinical Establishment Act, Leave Rule, Appeal Rule, Regulatory matters.
  • Clinical Waste Management with special reference to Primary Health Care Level.
  • HMIS (Health Management Information System), Medical Records, Different Indicators of Health.
  • Disaster Management Action Plan,
  • Disease Surveillance
  • Medical Certification and Causes of Death, Referral System.
  • Management of Paediatric Problems in Rural Settings with Special Emphasis on Diarrhoea & ARI.
  • Supervision and Monitoring.
  • Management of Trauma and Polyarthritis in Primary Health Care.
  • Management of Snake bite, Dog bite, Burn, Drowning, poisoning and injuries at PHC/BPHC/RH.
  • Use of Essential Drugs.
  • Reproductive Child Health Phase – II.
  • Ongoing Family Welfare Programme.
  • National Rural Health Mission (NRHM).
  • Safe Abortion & Contraceptive Services.
  • Prevention & Control of STD & AIDs.
  • UIP & Cold Chain Management in Health Care System.
  • National Filaria, Kalazar, Dengue Control Programme & Role of Medical Officers and its implementation.
  • Common Eye Problems, Diagnosis and Management in Rural Setup
  • Lesson on Thalasaemia.